WAMARE Economic Watch

House Card aims to register 300,000 existing homes annually.

"As the stock business expands, the 'House Card' will become increasingly important," says Hiroko Saito, the representative director.

IT / Information Services
House Card Aims to Register 300,000 Existing Homes Annually

"As the stock business expands, the 'House Card' will become increasingly important," says Hiroko Saito, the representative director of the Housing History Information Accumulation and Utilization Promotion Council.

On the 4th, the Council summarized a five-year roadmap (medium-term business plan) aimed at expanding the use of housing history information (House Card) from 2023 to 2027 and explained it to the stakeholders.

The Council has been operating the House Card since 2010. Member organizations (information service agencies) register housing history information, assigning a "common ID" to each registered home to promote its use during property transactions and maintenance by owners. However, the number of information service agencies peaked in 2015 and has since decreased, with the current number of full members remaining at 38, the same as at inception. In addition, the number of common IDs issued in fiscal 2021 was 11,179, significantly lower than the 18,498 at the time of establishment, and the total housing history information stands at 3.42 million.

The Council, despite aligning with national policies on data and digital technology utilization, quality housing stock formation, and circulation promotion, has found the spread of these practices to be insufficient due to a lack of direction and scenarios for promotion. Therefore, a specialized committee was established to review the business plan over the course of a year.

The medium-term plan aims to "enhance the construction and utilization of housing information assets contributing to the affluent lives of citizens." It sets goals such as "contributing to stock formation," "contributing to housing DX informatization," and "contributing to a sustainable society." To expand the registration of housing history, it targets 50,000 new housing history registrations and 300,000 existing housing registrations annually, while increasing membership among real estate, renovation, and housing equipment businesses.

To improve the quality of accumulated data, the Council will standardize housing history information and strengthen integration with various databases and API functions. It will also research compliance for registered information, unify information, promote BIM integration, and advance its utilization. Furthermore, all full members are required to participate in the Council's committees, working collectively to achieve the medium-term plan's goals. With more than 300,000 annual registrations, the number of common IDs issued is expected to grow significantly, aiming for a cumulative total of over 500,000 by the end of the medium-term plan, establishing a unique position as the sole public database of housing history information.

At the explanatory meeting, representative director and chairman Hiroko Saito expressed her ambitions, stating, "As the stock business expands, solving issues such as vacant houses and poorly managed condominiums, the disclosure of information, socialization of information, and the need for experts proficient in utilizing this information will become necessary. The House Card will undoubtedly become increasingly important."

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