WAMARE Economic Watch

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has issued corrective guidance to 106 companies, including rental housing management firms.

On the 15th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) announced the results of nationwide simultaneous inspections conducted on rental housing management companies and specific subleasing businesses (sublease operators) for the fiscal year 2023.

Between June 2023 and March 2024, inspections were carried out on a total of 179 companies nationwide (compared to 97 companies in fiscal year 2022), resulting in corrective guidance issued to 106 companies (compared to 59 companies in the previous fiscal year). Among the inspected businesses, 87 were solely engaged in rental housing management, 89 were engaged in rental housing management as well as specific subleasing businesses, and 3 were specific subleasing businesses not engaged in rental housing management.

Although the proportion of corrective guidance decreased compared to the previous fiscal year, the results revealed a lack of understanding of the law among some rental housing management companies and others.

Regarding the targets of guidance, the most common violation was "failure to provide written documents at the time of signing a management contract" (57 cases), followed by "violation of obligations regarding the provision of books by rental housing management companies" (37 cases), and "violation of obligations regarding the provision of written documents (explanation of important matters) before signing a management contract" (26 cases). It is confirmed that corrective actions were taken in all 106 companies.

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