Traditional Crafts

Sakurai Kokeshi embodies the spirit of Naruko Kokeshi and is dedicated to showcasing the unique allure of Naruko Onsen

Sakurai Kokeshi is a branch of Naruko Kokeshi, which has been passed down for six generations since the end of the Edo period and continues to work on the creation of Kokeshi to this day. While continuing the tradition, the Sakurai family is also actively creating new kokeshi that are in line with modern life. In 2017, Koshiki Inc. was established to promote the charm of Naruko Kokeshi both domestically and internationally.

Mini Kokeshi

Kokeshi dolls have become very popular overseas recently

Naruko kokeshi that have been passed down since the end of the Edo period

――Can you share with us the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation in your family, or the words of wisdom from your predecessors?

The Sakurai family’s philosophy of making kokeshi was laid down by Onuma Iwazo, who once said, “Nothing can be mastered completely, and life is all about learning.” This sentence reflects the Sakurai family’s love for kokeshi, and upholding this spirit inspires the Sakurai family’s continuous exploration and innovation.

In addition, Shoji Sakurai, a student of Iwazo, once left the following words: "The one who makes kokeshi in a place where you can see Mt. Hanabuchi is Naruko kokeshi."

The bright foliage of Mt. Hanabuchi heralds the arrival of a long winter. Naruko Onsen has been a famous hot spring destination since ancient times. Originating in the mountainous region of northwestern Miyagi Prefecture, Naruko kokeshi has developed its unique style since the end of the Edo period.
We value the kokeshi culture nurtured by the terroir of Naruko Onsen and cherish creative expression without being bound by traditional techniques and definitions. The words of the above two seniors reflect the persistence and passion for the craft of kokeshi.

Mt. Hanabuchi

Naruko is famous for its hot springs

While inheriting traditional craftsmanship, our predecessors continue to challenge and innovate. We also look to the future, exploring the position of modern kokeshi craft, the lifestyle of kokeshi artisans, and the role it plays in the region. In the changing environment, we continue to think and act, preserving the traditional craftsmanship of kokeshi while finding a balance between change and tradition.

――Can you tell us about the craftsmen who are currently working on kokeshi in your studio?

Left: 5th generation, Mr. Akihiro Sakurai ; Right: 6th generation, Mr. Naomichi Sakurai

At present, the fifth-generation craftsman Sakurai Akihiro and me, the sixth-generation craftsman, work together to create kokeshi. The Sakurai family is one of the oldest families among the Naruko kokeshi craftsmen and has trained many renowned craftsmen since before the war. Akihiro, the fifth-generation craftsman, has been making kokeshi for 50 years. He has deeply studied and understood the kokeshi made by the previous generations and continues to create them in his unique style. In addition to traditional kokeshi, he also dedicates himself to crafting items such as “Hina Dolls,” “Daruma,” and “Kikimono.”

As for me, the sixth-generation craftsman, I grew up watching my father and grandfather make kokeshi, and I have always held profound respect for their profession. I actively learned from them. Although my family objected to me inheriting the family business, my passion for making kokeshi never waned. At the age of twenty-six, I returned home and began making kokeshi in earnest.


Hina Dolls

We do not merely replicate the works of our predecessors; moreover, we cherish sincere and genuine production

――What is the most important thing in the process of making kokeshi?

I think the most important thing is what my father taught me: “Don’t deceive yourself, don’t be pretentious, and create kokeshi sincerely.”

The same principle applies to other traditional crafts, where many steps are required to create a kokeshi. When customers look at the finished kokeshi, they may not understand the process and effort involved. Even if there are small flaws or deviations in the artwork, the customer might not notice them. However, if a craftsman cuts corners by omitting steps or deceiving in the production process, even if the customer is unaware, the craftsman knows. This attitude of cutting corners can hinder personal growth. It is important to accept your current skills and expressive abilities, and gradually improve them through the process of making each kokeshi. This attitude is something I value deeply.

――Can you tell us about the role of Koshiki Inc., which was established in 2017?

Koshiki Inc. specializes in the development and sale of kokeshi, overseas expansion, Naruko sightseeing programs, gallery cafes, and tree planting activities. The name “Koshiki” means the center of the wheel in Japanese, symbolizing our aim to become a central hub for people, activities, and culture both within and outside Naruko Onsen. Naruko Onsen is blessed with abundant natural resources and a vibrant community, and the production of kokeshi is one of its key features. We strive to promote the charm, ancient customs, and traditional culture of Naruko Onsen in a way that resonates with modern audiences. With this belief, we are dedicated to co-creating, connecting, and sharing Naruko’s customs, culture, and lifestyle with people everywhere.

Taking on the challenge of creating kokeshi that will stand the test of time.

――What are your future visions or goals for creating kokeshi?

As a kokeshi craftsman dedicated to preserving traditional crafts, I aim to challenge the traditional kokeshi made by my predecessors and strive to become a skilled craftsman who can follow them. At the same time, as a business owner inheriting the family business, I aspire to create kokeshi that meet the needs of contemporary life, such as products collaborated with artists and the ‘Reflections’ series. Additionally, I wish to create new kokeshi that will endure for a long time, just as my predecessors in the Meiji period created the ‘hat kokeshi.’

I hope the next generation will want to make kokeshi and work at Naruko Onsen, and I want to be able to confidently tell them, ‘Naruko Onsen is energetic and vibrant.’ To this end, we will continue to strive to make Naruko Onsen an attractive place.

Sakurai Kokeshi Shop

Sakurai Kokeshi Official Website:
Address: Yumoto 26, Naruko Onsen, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture
Access: A 3-minute walk from JR Rikuu East Line Naruko Onsen Station
Phone/Fax: 0229-87-3575
Business Hours: Weekdays 10:00-17:00, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays 9:30-17:00
Closed: Irregular holidays. Please confirm business hours with us before visiting.