
Hopter: A Traditional Japanese Wooden Toy

Hopter is one of Japan's traditional toys, made from bamboo. It is a simple "flying toy" consisting of a long, slender wing and a rod (stick). By spinning the rod with your palm, you can launch it into the air. Despite its simple mechanism, the way you throw it and the spin you apply can change the distance and flight time, making it fun to learn the tricks while playing.

What is Hopter?

How to Play (Basic Rules)

✅ What You Need
• Hopter (bamboo wings + rod)
✅ Basic Playing Method
1. Holding It
o Hold the rod (axis) of the Hopter lightly with one hand.
o Use the other hand to pinch the lower part of the rod.
2. Launching It
o Pinch the rod with both hands and quickly rub your palms together to add rotation.
o Lightly push it with your fingertips to make the Hopter spin while flying.
3. Experimenting with Launching
o Change the angle to alter the direction of flight.
o Applying a good spin can help it fly higher and farther.

Tips for Successfully Flying Hopter

● Rub Your Hands Quickly: Focus on smooth movements without pressing too hard.
● Adjust the Angle of the Hopter: Keep it horizontal for straight flight and slightly angled for longer distances.
● Consider the Wind: When playing outdoors, pay attention to the wind direction for longer airtime.

The Charm of Hopter

✅ Easy to play with a simple mechanism
✅ Learn the balance of dexterity and strength
✅ Improve your skills by experimenting with launching techniques
✅ It’s even more fun to play in nature


Hopter is a traditional Japanese toy that is easy to carry and allows you to refine your skills with each play. It has depth that even adults can enjoy, and competing with friends and family can make it even more entertaining. Experience the joy of flying Hopter while feeling the wind in nature!