We offer a wide range of services
We offer a wide range of services to find you the right property
Founded in 2010 in Minami Aoyama, Minato Ward in the heart of Tokyo,
with offices in Taiwan and Hong Kong,
having managed a wide range of properties since our establishment,
we can present you with the skills and
know-how to deal with any property and attract customers
Broad network to support full occupancy
We have various networks to sell our customers' valuable real estate
Multilingual support with a large number of foreign staff
We are involved in the real estate sector, including leasing, management, sales and purchase, brokerage, architectural design, development, real estate consulting and other real estate-related services.
We are a one-stop shop for everything related to real estate
Fully supported by a diverse range of alliances
Total investigative capability through the use of various network systems
A network system that enables us to research business partners
in more than 200 countries around the world and alliances with
professionals in various fields such as tax accountants, lawyers,
judicial scriveners and administrative scriveners,
enabling us to ensure a safe and secure business transactions